If you are a part of the ECAP or Home Energy Savings Program (HESP), Retrofit Assist does not require you to complete an EnerGuide evaluation. However, it is still beneficial, as the ECAP energy evaluation is different than an EnerGuide evaluation.

During the ECAP energy evaluation, the advisor will install free measures (i.e., lighting, water efficient aerators and shower heads) during their visit and assess for other free upgrades (insulation, heating systems, etc.).  This evaluation focuses more on how the homeowner/resident uses energy in their home and how they can reduce their usage day to day.  

The EnerGuide evaluation takes an in-depth look at your home, providing you with a full report on your home’s energy efficiency. The report includes a list of recommended upgrades and includes how your home’s consumption and air leakage will change with said retrofits.  

Read more about the ECAP program.